2012.2.16Destructive heresies and cult groups have plagued the church since its inception. Many in the first century were deceived by a false gospel. During the two thousand year history of the church countless others have wandered from the truth, and the list of victims continues to rise at an alarming rate even today. Something must be done. Most Christians, though aware of the cult problem, find themselves totally unprepared to deal with someone involved in such a group. Fear keeps many from even trying to witness for Christ. Clever and deceptive reasoning quickly silences those who do try to share the gospel. This paper will attempt to present practical steps that Christians can take to help deliver Jehovah’s Witnesses from the bondage of mind control and lead them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Based upon biblical principles as well as the author’s twenty years of experience of working with Jehovah’s Witnesses in Japan, these steps are powerful tools that–under the guidance and anointing of the Holy Spirit–can break the shackles of deception. It is the author’s sincere and earnest prayer that this material might be shared with truth-seeking Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world. He also hopes that through reading this work Christians may be awakened to a new realization that cult members are included in the Great Commission.