2012.2.16The cults are active in Asia and eastern Europe as never before. Satan is working to deceive millions with a false gospel. Many have lost their lives, their possessions, their freedom, and even their very lives as a result of involvement with a dangerous cult group.
Twenty years ago God gave us a burden to help people in cult groups and their families. By God’s grace we have seen countless people come to Christ from the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, and other groups. We have seen the growth rate of the Watchtower drop year by year, and have also witnessed a dramatic drop in the number of people studying with them.
Looking ahead, we can foresee enormous opportunities for evangelism to cult members and their families, and in order to prepare for whatever may come, we feel now is the time to take steps toward the building of a cult research and rehabilitation center. This is something that has been on our hearts for a number of years. It will be a place where cult members and former cult members can come and study the word of God, straighten out their thinking, be healed in body, soul, and spirit, and prepare for reentry into the real world. It will be a place where hurting families can come for counseling. It will also be a place where pastors and Christians with a burden for the cults can come and use the reservoir of reference materials that we have accumulated over the years.
The center, as we envision it now, will have two rooms for people to stay for an extended period of time, office space, a library, a meeting room, and living space for our family. It will probably cost us \50,000,000 ($380,000) for land and \30,000,000 ($230,000) for the building. Please join with us in prayer. Your financial gifts are also greatly appreciated. Checks can be sent to us directly at our address in Japan, or, for those who desire a tax deductible receipt, gifts designated for this project can be sent to: Christ for the Nations, P. O. Box 769000, Dallas, TX 75376-9000 (Please attach a note to your gift indicating that it is for “Bill Wood/ Japan).